
Designated Typefaces

Designated typefaces are those typefaces applied to corporate brand communication media produced outside the company.
Particularly for materials produced externally (pamphlets, catalogs, sales promotional materials, etc.), Noto Sans is designated as a global standard typeface.
Noto Sans is a font developed by Google that supports every language in the world and is free to use.
Due to the typeface’s legibility, ease of use (free of charge), and globally uniform qualities (support for multiple languages), it has been selected as the designated typeface and should be actively used for materials produced outside the company.

Alternative typefaces included with Windows as standard have also been designated for materials produced in-house (PowerPoint presentations, documents, etc.).
Check the following pages for details about these typefaces.
Please note as well that the use of these typefaces is also recommended for product brand-level communication media, but this does not apply when the typefaces do not fit the characteristics of specific products.

Noto Sans can be downloaded from the following site.

English Text

Noto Sans

Alternative Typefaces

When materials are produced in-house, the following typefaces which are included as standard with Windows can be used as alternatives.
[English Text] Arial / Times

Noto Sans is a font developed by Google that supports every language in the world.
It is free to use and can be downloaded by anyone.

Japanese Text

Noto Sans CJK JP

Alternative Typefaces

When creating documents such as presentations in-house, the following typefaces which are included as standard with Windows can be used.
[Japanese Text] Meiryo (Sub-font: Meiryo UI) / MS P Mincho

Noto Sans is a font developed by Google that supports every language in the world.
It is free to use and can be downloaded by anyone.

Chinese Text

Noto Sans CJK SC(簡体字)/Noto Sans CJK TC(繁体字)

Alternative Typefaces

When materials are produced in-house, the following typefaces which are included as standard with Windows can be used as alternatives.
[Chinese Text] 黑体/宋体

Noto Sans is a font developed by Google that supports every language in the world.
It is free to use and can be downloaded by anyone.