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  3. Brand Statement Logo
  4. Combination of the Brand Symbol and Brand Statement Logo

Combination of the Brand Symbol and Brand Statement Logo

Separated Type

As a general rule, use separated type to ensure that the Brand Symbol and Brand Statement Logo are each displayed appropriately.

Use of the lock-up type is only for special cases.
* These are cases such as TV commercials and web video advertising when the elements need to be displayed within a limited space or in a limited period of time.

When displaying the Brand Symbol and Brand Statement Logo, refer to the designated Clear Space for each. And no other words or graphic elements should be placed between the Brand Symbol and the Brand Statement Logo.

When using these elements, always download the master data from the download page.

Lock-up Type

Use of the lock-up type is only for special cases.
* These are cases such as TV commercials and web video advertising when the elements need to be displayed within a limited space or in a limited period of time.

When using these elements, always download the master data from the download page.